Super Mario Bros 3 Slot Machine

Play Super Mario Bros 3 emulator game online in the highest quality available. Super Mario Bros 3 is a Nintendo game that you can enjoy on Play Emulator. This NES game is the US English version that works in all modern web browsers without downloading. Super Mario Bros 3 is part of the Mario Games, Arcade Games, and Adventure Games you can play.

Super Mario Bros. 3 Strategy Guide

By Crazy Packers Fan

Little Lemmy's Land Qualifier
Best-ranked Game Guide

Here is my strategy guide for the best video game EVER. Period. No game will ever come close, and no
game ever has. Other games may try to mimic this game, or try to improve on it, but they can’t, not even any
other Mario game. I’ve been working on this strategy guide since last summer, and now it’s complete with
everything you need to know about this game.

This game can be played four ways: the NES game, Super Mario All-Stars, NES emulators, and Super Mario
Advance 3, which everyone else in the world tells me is coming out sometime in the future. Anyway, it’s a
side-scrolling adventure, where the basic goal is to save the princess and beat Bowser. Lots of Mario games are like this, but this was the best of all of them.

You’ll collect power-ups along the way, as well as coins. Here’s a full list of the items (notice the large selection of items compared to other side-scrolling Mario games):

Super Mushroom: Makes you big.

Fire Flower: Lets you throw fireballs.

Super Leaf: Gives Mario a Raccoon Suit, which makes Mario grow a tail which he can use to hit things, and
gives the ability to fly after running. You’ve got to love the Super Leaf in comparison to the Magic Feather in Super Mario World.

Tanooki Suit: A fuzzy suit that gives all the powers of a Raccoon Suit (from the Super Leaf) and also lets you turn into a immobile, invincible statue for five seconds when you press B and Down at the same time.

Frog Suit: Makes Mario swim faster, enter certain pipes, and jump higher.

Hammer Brothers Suit: A suit that makes Mario look like a Hammer Brother, which lets Mario throw powerful
hammers and also be invincible to enemy fireballs if Mario ducks.

Starman: Makes Mario invincible, and he then can kill most enemies he comes into contact with for a limited

P Wing: A Raccoon Suit that lets you fly without having to run first to build up power, which lasts for the whole level or until you get hit or get another item.

1-Up Mushroom: Gives Mario an extra life.

Coin: Collect 100 for an extra life.

Hammer: Breaks rocks on the level map.

Anchor: Prevents the doomship from escaping.

Music Box: Puts the wandering Hammer Brothers to sleep.

Warp Whistle: Sends you to World 9, the Warp Zone.

Jugem’s Cloud: Allows you to skip a stage.

Kuribo’s Shoe: Only found in World 5-3, you can jump higher and farther with this, take an extra hit, and
stomp enemies such as Spinies and Piranhas.

Now for the controls:

Control Pad:
Up: Goes up vines and pipes (after you jump).
Down: Goes down vines and pipes.
Left and Right: Movement.
All Directions: Swim at normal speed (when you have a Frog Suit).

A: Jump or swim.

A + Up: Jump out of the water.

A + Direction: Swim faster (when you have a Frog Suit).

A Repeatedly: Fly or float (when you have a Raccoon or Tanooki Suit).

B: Use weapon (fireball or hammer) or wag tail (when you have a Raccoon or Tanooki Suit).

Holding B: Hold to accelerate (while pushing in a direction), hold to grab a shell, release to kick shell.

B + Down: Turn into statue (when you have a Tanooki Suit).

Start: Pauses and unpauses.

Select: Nothing.

I always suggest jumping using both A and B together for higher, longer, and overall better jumps. Also,
hitting A right as you hit the top of an enemy will spring you high into the air. Remember that if you need a high jump fast. Also, holding down the A button gives you a higher jump.

Oh yes, there’s that N-Spade game that appears every time you get 80,000 points. It’s that game called
“concentration”, and you may miss only once. Every time you match, you get that item or those coins. You
probably want a cheat sheet for it, so here’s one. There are eight boards, and I suggest you make a little drawing of them to make things easier on you. Go for the fifth card of the middle row. By choosing it first, it will separate a lot of boards from each other, and narrow it down well.

F=Flower, M=Mushroom, 10=10 Coins, 20=20 Coins, S=Star

Board 1:
Row 1: F, S, 1-Up, F, 20, M
Row 2: 10, M, 20, 1-Up, M, 10
Row 3: S, F, S, M, F, S

Board 2:
Row 1: 1-Up, M, 10, M, F, S
Row 2: M, 10, S, 20, 20, F
Row 3: S, 1-Up, F, M, F, S

Board 3:
Row 1: F, 10, 1-Up, F, 1-Up, M
Row 2: S, M, 20, S, M, 10
Row 3: S, F, 20, M, F, S

Board 4:
Row 1: F, 20, M, S, 1-Up, F
Row 2: 1-Up, F, 10, M, 20, S
Row 3: M, 10, S, M, F, S

Board 5:
Row 1: M, F, 20, F, 10, S
Row 2: 20, 1-Up, M, 10, 1-Up, F
Row 3: S, M, S, M, F, S

Board 6:
Row 1: M, F, 20, M, 10, S
Row 2: F, 1-Up, M, 10, 1-Up, 20
Row 3: S, F, S, M, F, S

Board 7:
Row 1: M, F, 1-Up, F, S, S
Row 2: 20, S, M, 10, 1-Up, F
Row 3: 20, M, 10, M, F, S

Board 8:
Row 1: F, S, 1-Up, F, 1-Up, M
Row 2: 10, M, F, S, M, 10
Row 3: S, 20, 20, M, F, S

In every world, there are wandering Hammer Brothers, except for worlds 7 and 8. If you beat them, you get
an item. The pattern of Hammer Brothers per world, and their items, is as follows:

1: One Hammer-Starman
2: Two Boomerang/Two Fire-Music Box, Hammer, Warp Whistle
3: Two Hammer (sometimes in water)-Hammer, Starman
4: One Sledge-Jugem’s Cloud, P-Wing, Starman
5: Two Hammer-Starman, P Wing, Music Box
6: Two Hammer (on ice)-Hammer, Jugem’s Cloud, Starman

There are also Spade Games, which let you try to match up three parts of a picture for 1-Ups (basically, a
slot machine with a little bit of timing involved), and Toad Houses, for a choice of three boxes, giving you one item. Occasionally, the same item is in all three chests. Also, there are White Mushroom Houses that will appear if you score a certain number of coins in a level. In an odd-numbered world you get a P Wing; in an even-numbered world you get an Anchor. I’ll explain the levels and how to get them later.

When using a Warp Whistle, you’ll reach, by a whirlwind, the little known World 9, the Warp Zone. Here’s where you’ll have a choice to go to from different lands:

1: 2-3-4
2: 5-6-7
3: 5-6-7
4: 5-6-7
5: 5-6-7
6: 5-6-7
7: 8
8: 8

I give each board a ranking from zero to four stars, based on difficulty. (Where have I seen this before?) If a level gets zero stars, you’ll probably breeze right by it. With four stars, you’ll have some trouble. Of course, this is just opinion, so you could give a level a harder ranking than mine, simply because since I’ve beaten this game so many times, nearly every level seems easy to me. Others tell me this is a hard game, but I think trying to learn to fly with a cape is harder than beating this whole game. I’ll also include which maximum power-up is best for the level, and if a P Wing should be used (only on those levels). I’ll also tell you whether the level must be played or not and whether to play it (for example, in Giant Land, you have to play 4-5 or 4-6,
and I’ll tell you which one is better to be played).

Now for the strategy guide!

Grass Land

World 1-1

no stars-Super Leaf-must be played

The game starts out with a Goomba, four blocks, a Mushroom, and a Venus Fire Trap. Unless you don’t even know what video games are, this is a cinch. Of course, the first Troopa must be kicked into the next ? Block, or you can’t get the power-up in it. That power-up is a Super Leaf. (For those of you wondering, the first ? Block has a Super Leaf in it if you skip it and come back big.) Take out the Goombas, start to run, and take off flying, using the five coins as a guide of where to fly. Then get the 1-Up in the lone block up there and
collect the coins. (This may remind you of the vine places in Mario 1.) Take off flying again, and try to land on the pipe that is high in the air. (The pipe will be to the right, so fly that way!) Inside the pipe is a bunch of coins in the “3” formation. Later on in this game (World 5-1) you’ll see this formation of coins again. Don’t ask why the coins are in the “3” formation; if you have any brains at all and think of the name of this game, then you won’t have to ask. Anyway, go back to the left upon exiting the pipe and hit the top right block in the bigger brick formation. Hit it with your tail. A blue “P” appears (a P Switch). Jump on it. Collect the coins. Kick away the Koopa. And, now, look at your score. Get a coin total that is a multiple of eleven and get your score’s tens place to be that multiple of eleven. For example, 55 coins, score 8850. 5 X 11= 55. If you don’t have that much, run and take off, flying up and right to go back in the pipe. Enter and exit the empty coin room, and come back for all the bricks again. Remember that a coin is 50 points and that a brick is 10 points. Get your score and coin total to one like shown above, then go to the card at the end of the level. Stop the clock by hitting the card on an even number, like 182 timer seconds to go. If you get the coin total,
points, and timer to the right numbers, then you’ll turn the wandering Hammer Brother into a Treasure
Ship, which contains a ton of coins and a 1-Up Mushroom. If you didn’t get it, it’s all right, but no Treasure Ship for you.

World 1-2

No stars-Super Leaf-must be played

Here’s where those coins might not even matter, if you can get tons of extra lives in this level. Get the
power-up in the first ? Block and make sure you have a tail. Then go past the pipes in the “T” formation. Wait for some Goombas to start to pour out, then start to hop on them. Hit the A Button right as you step
on one to jump super-high, then keep hitting the A Button again in mid-air to slow your descent. Keep
hopping on Goombas to keep doubling the points value. The ninth Goomba without touching the ground is your first 1-Up, and any Goomba afterward is also a 1-Up. Remember that Goombas come out of the pipe three at a time (not really, but three come out and then there’s a short pause before the next one) and that there’s a Para-Goomba with two extra jumps to the right in case of emergency. This maneuver is called the Goomba Stomp. Oh, yeah, there’s also a level here. I’m assuming it won’t be that hard; there’s a P Switch in the left brick coming up; there’s a 1-Up over the Venus Fire Trap’s pipe; there’s 20 coins in the pipe; there’s a power-up in the second of the pair of Note Blocks; and there’s a Starman in the third of the
three Note Blocks over the pit. (This is the first place where you have a real chance of dying.) If you decide to hang around and get 1-Ups (this is a very hard thing to learn, but if you master the Goomba Stomp, you’ll never run out of lives!), you might as well let the clock run out, come back to this level, get the first power-up and the second in the Note Block, and come back and do it again. It’s fun! Of course, you may have some trouble doing it, so don’t worry about it, but this is one of the two great Goomba Stomp opportunities. Don’t miss this one!

World 1-3

no stars-Super Leaf-doesn’t have to be played, but play it anyway

So I spent a ton of time on the two easiest levels in history. Get over it. This one’s actually even easier. Start out by stomping on Troopa #1 and grabbing his shell, running right into Boomerang Brother #1. Now jump on Troopa #2 and kick his shell into the brick formation. Now go take out some bricks, collecting eleven coins in the ten coin block, getting the power-up, and hitting an invisible Note Block from below, which is in between the remaining bricks, on the left side. Jump on it to go to Coin Heaven. Up there you can collect tons of coins. If you want a 1-Up, start to run around and fly when you see the third set of coins. Fly up and right and hit the block for a 1-Up Mushroom. Then collect the other coins and escape through the pipe. Watch out for the moron Para-Goomba and go left. Jump on the red Troopa on the white block and kick him away. Then duck on the white block for five seconds. You probably know the rest. Fall through and run right and past the end of the world, jumping over the oncoming Green Troopa and behind the black wall. Visit one of the loser Toads and steal his Warp Whistle. He won’t need it, so take it and move on. What is it good for? Warping. But don’t warp yet! You’ll miss more fun in World One.

World 1-4

*1/2-Super Leaf-doesn’t have to be played, but play it anyway

This is the first level you can actually die on while actually trying to live. But it’s not really THAT hard. Just jump from platform to platform, using the moving, falling platforms to help. Collect every coin. Why? Well, if you don’t, you won’t get a free P Wing! Get the 1-Up Mushroom in the upper four blocks over the two small blocks after the three flying, free-falling platforms to, well, to get an extra life. Then collect some more coins on the Bricks in the “L” formations. When you see a little “L” formation and a row of bricks to the right, hit the first block on the left of the row of bricks to the right for eleven possible coins. Kick away Troopa #1 and keep going. Once you get to four bricks and one above the last brick, hit it with your tail to get a 1-Up Mushroom. Afterwards, get on the platform by the column of eight or so coins. Jump on it and stay on it for all the coins, then jump off it. (Easier said than done.) Then keep smashing the overhead bricks on the
next platform to get to a seven-or-eight-coin block. Keep going to the pipe, watching out for the
Paratroopa and Troopa #2. Jump in the pipe, watch out for the Boomerang Brother, and hit the card. If you got every single coin, or all but one, including the ten/eleven- and seven/eight-coin blocks, you get a
White Mushroom House with a P Wing. Very useful item. Save it for later.

World 1 Fortress-

*-Super Leaf-must be played

Here, in this level, you’ll meet Dry Bones, Roto Discs, and (possibly) Boom Boom for the first time ever. Of
course, you’ll also meet your first-ever Fire Flower in this game unless you got one at the Toad’s House. (You do go to Toad’s House and play the Spade Games, don’t you?) Don’t get this Fire Flower unless you’re
only small, in which case it would be a Mushroom, or if you’re only big, get that Fire Flower, but make sure if you’ve got a Super Leaf, keep it, and if you’re little, you’ve got to become big... anyway, go past the lava pits and past the Roto Disc and the other one too and the Dry Bones (and crush the bones) and DON’T enter the door. DON’T enter it unless you want to see Boom Boom, and you can see him in Lemmy’s Photos easily. (Many times, in fact.) Run from the far right (past the door) to the left and start to fly, back up to the right. Once you get on the right ceiling, run right, and when you can’t run anywhere, hit up. You’ll enter a room with a box in it. Touch the box for the second warp whistle. For all you who didn’t go this easy way and went through the door, go into the spots where spikes aren’t, then enter the door. The way to beat Boom Boom? Either fireball him, hammer him (in later levels), or jump on him three times. You must jump on him, then jump away until his quills are gone, then repeat until he’s dead.

World 1-5

no stars-Super Leaf-must be played

This level is easier than level 1-1 or 1-2. Press and hold down upon the start of the level, killing four Buzzies. Avoid the next Piranha Plant and Buzzy and go up at the fork. On the left side of the gap jump up to
reveal a hidden Note Block. Jump on it to go to Coin Heaven. Follow the same strategy as the one in 1-3 and
then exit through the pipe. Bring a Koopa with you down the ramp and kick it at the Piranha Plant. Then
avoid or kill the next Piranha Plant and exit the level.

World 1-6

*1/2-Super Leaf-must be played

This level requires tricky jumping, so watch out as you go along. Take out the Koopa you first see and remember that the first ? Block has a Super Leaf in it, in case you need one. Then jump on the Note Blocks and spring on to the Paratroopa (or over him). Make sure if you jumped on him you jump off him. Get down with the Troopa and blocks and kick the Troopa so two blocks disappear. Then collect a coin in the block on your left side and ten coins in the block on your right side. Then get a 1-Up Mushroom in the third block from the left above. Continue on to the next part of the level. If you have a Super Leaf, run on the long platform, make a small jump upward, and continue running to take off and fly up and right, to the near-end of the level. If not, drop through the small gap between the two higher platforms. Then board the Rail Lift and watch out for the Paratroopa, as well as the end of the Lift Line, jumping on to the platform. Jump from the moving platform to the other Rail Lift, and then finish off the level. (You’ll land near the other Rail Lift if you flew.)

World 1 Doomship

*-Super Leaf-must be played

This is an easy doomship, so don’t lose on this easiest one. Make it past the first two cannons and Bullet Bill
Blaster. Then race past the next cannon and Bullet Bill Blaster to the power-up. (It’s a Fire Flower, so if you have a Super Leaf, decline the Fire Flower.) Then make it past the next cannons and jump up the
staircase to the pipe. Take your time, because there’s a lot of it. Jump on Larry’s head three times to beat
him, watching for his jumps and blasts. Then collect the Magic Wand to win!
Princess’s Prize: P Wing

Desert Land

World 2-1

1/2-Super Leaf-must be played

This one is super-easy, as long as you watch out for the many, many Pile-Driver Micro-Goombas and Firesnakes. They are easy to avoid; all you must do is step on them. The first ? Block is, as almost always, a Super Leaf. Afterwards, simply stomp on each Pile-Driver and move on to the two ? Blocks. The right one contains a Starman. Collect it, jump over the first brick, and run and fly. Fly to the pipe surrounded by bricks.
Enter to find an empty room with a Switch Block, which will give you some coins if you hit it. Exit and fall
a little left into a coin which is usually a brick. By doing that, you’ll enter a place with a bunch of coins. Collect them but avoid the Firesnake. If you wish, you can head left for a 1-Up Mushroom in the other pipe box. Then go to the right. Once you find two Piranhas in pipes, enter the second pipe to find a P Switch. Hit it, enter the left pipe, and collect the coins outside. You can do this as many times as you wish, and then hit the card to finish this easy level.

World 2-2

*-Super Leaf-must be played

Here’s a White Mushroom House board. Collect almost every coin to win an Anchor. Not like it’s that useful, but it’s an item not that many people ever see. Make it past the Venus Fire Traps, which thrive in quicksand, and the first bouncy block you see will yield you a Super Leaf. Of course, you probably still have one. Collect all three coins here. Then move on to the moving lift. Get on it, watch out for the Paratroopa, duck and jump to hit the coin and P Switch (the two bricks) and collect all the normal coins on the way. To the very left of the last three coins is an invisible block that contains (get this!) a 1-Up Mushroom! (What a surprise!) Then
swim back to the left, watching out for Cheep Cheeps, and then reboard the lift. Get on it, watch out for the Paratroopa (if you didn’t dunk him before), and hit that Switch Block. Collect all the coins until you see a gap. Jump from that gap on to a Paratroopa’s back and get the last four coins. (This is VERY hard to do!) Then exit through the pipe and collect a card.

World 2 Fortress

*1/2-Super Leaf-must be played

Super Mario Bros 3 Slot Machine

This isn’t quite a hard level, but it can be tricky. The first trio of Dry Bones can be stomped on over and over again for 1-Ups. That’s using the same Goomba Stomp techniques as in 1-2, and get the Dry Bones near each other and only jump on the next one at the last second. This can sometimes be easier than 1-2. After avoiding Thwomps (by walking up and drawing the Thwomp down and then going while he’s going back up) and Dry Bones and a Boo Diddly (who pursues you when your back is turned but freezes when you face him), go up the pipe, avoid spikes and another Thwomp. A power-up is in the brick if you need it. Then race full speed (with B Button held down) to the right, entering the door. Now this level gets tricky. First, run past the first spikes when they go up, and same with the second, which can give some trouble. The third spikes
you can go up top on OR run underneath, which I do most of the time. Then the fourth group is the same
story as the third, except it’s a smaller group. Enter the door when it comes up, avoiding the two Boos, and
defeat Boom Boom by hopping on his head three times.

World 2-3

*1/2-Super Leaf-must be played


This is a lot of fun if you can fly, so come in at least big. Get the power-up in the second ? Block, and then get the Star in the fourth ? Block. Run on the next pyramid (the third one) through the Troopas and take off
flying to the right. Hit the P Switch in the sky (on a small platform of blocks) and head down to the ground,
picking up tons of coins and a 1-Up in the first coin pyramid. At the end, stomp a Troopa twice and get out of there to clear to the finish.

World 2 Desert

*-Super Leaf-must be played

Super Mario Bros 3 Slot Machine Machines

Also known as the “Angry Sun level”, the Desert contains whirlwinds and the sunset. Literally. After the
Piranhas and quicksand, pick up the Troopa shell and jump and run right into the middle or the top of the
first whirlwind. It should carry you a while. After you land, the Sun will try to land right on you. Still holding the Troopa, let it go at the Sun of Anger and kill him off. Then race to the finish line!

World 2-4

no stars-Super Leaf-doesn’t have to be played, but play it anyway

This is the best level for coins in Desert Land. Fly at the beginning up to the left, avoiding the Para-Goomba, and then enjoy the coin oasis. First use the P Switch over the water to turn those blocks into coins. Then collect the palm tree coins. Run and fly underneath all those blocks and you’ll collect those coins easily. Then jump up and collect the coins up top. Past the Paratroopas, use the P Switch in one of the top right blocks to turn all the bricks into coins, and do that before you collect the normal coins. Then, when finished, go down and left a bit to pick up 12 more coins on ground level. Run to the finish, avoiding that pesky Boomerang Brother at the end!

World 2-5

1/2-Super Leaf-doesn’t have to be played, but play it anyway

Avoiding the early Chain Chomps, go past all the easy-to-beat enemies and kick a Troopa shell down the thin hole above five bricks. Then climb the vine that grows and go left for more coins, a coin room after a P Switch is activated, and then exit for a few more. If you avoid that last Chain Chomp, you’ll have an easy win on this one!

World 2 Pyramid

*-Super Leaf-must be played

If you have a Raccoon Tail, you’ll save yourself a lot of work here. There are many walls to take down with a
tail. The first ? Block has a power-up in it. After breaking down several walls and climbing up, you’ll notice a pipe surrounded by unbreakable blocks. Jump to find an Invisible Block nearby so you can get in the pipe. Inside, you’ll find a P Block, a ton of bricks and coins, and a 1-Up in an invisible block above the top row of bricks and coins. Get the 1-Up before doing anything else here. After leaving, go up the ramp and watch out for more Buzzy Beetles. Break down the wall and exit. Yes, this was easy too, wasn’t it?

By the way, if you got the Hammer from the wandering Hammer Brother, you can break the rock and fight the
Fire Brothers for the third and final Whistle. Do that before you go to the doomship. There’s also a Frog
Suit Toad’s House back here.

World 2 Doomship

**-Super Leaf-must be played

Don’t leave without getting that third Whistle in Desert Land by breaking down the rock at the top right
corner of the map with a hammer. Then beat some Fire Brothers to get it. Also get the Frog Suit in the Toad
House there. Anyway, on the doomship, avoid the Bullet Bills the whole way through by jumping and finding the best way through. That’s really the only advice I can give there. At the crates part, let the floor appear,
then race through the crates and climb back up to the right. Watch out for those Rocky Wrenches! Then, after a couple more Bill Blasters, beat up on slow Morton by nailing him three times over the head and you’ll move on to Water Land!
Princess’s Prize: Jugem’s Cloud

Water Land

World 3-1

1/2-Fire Flower-must be played

Been waiting to use that Fire Flower? Here’s your big opportunity. Drop down to the left at the very beginning for a power-up. Then, avoiding Bloopers, swim up and right, and before swimming down, jump up, out of the water, and land above the screen. Run right into a hole with another power-up. This makes it so you can come in to this level small and come out fully powered-up. Then drop down, to a bunch of Note Boxes (back in the water). Swim right, past the Lava Lotus, and hit the lone brick for a 1-Up Mushroom and collect those coins while you’re at it, too. Swim up with the current and exit this stage.

World 3-2

**1/2-Fire Flower-must be played

Super Mario Bros 3 Unblocked

This is the hardest level so far. Go past the Donut Lifts to the lift and the “L” block formation. Hit the side of the blocks to make a Star appear. As it comes out, get on the Lift and let it carry you to the Star. Jump to get
it, because most of the time the Lift will be either ahead or behind it. Then take out Cheep Cheeps easily on the Lift. If you have it, you can hit the other ?’s for more Stars. If you don’t, just fireball the Cheeps, but DON’T FALL OFF! If you do, you’ll be hit at least once trying to swim and jump out of the water. At the end of the level is a pipe. Jump in! (There is also an invisible block over the three coins, which become bricks if you hit the P Switch in the fourth or fifth brick.) At the end, if you can fly, do so above the pipe to get on a lift for bonus coins and possibly an invisible block for a 1-Up, if you can find it. Hit the card and move on!

World 3-3

**1/2-Fire Flower-must be played

Another tougher level, 3-3 contains the dreaded Boss Bass, who can swallow you whole! Keep fireballing him and his Cheep Cheep friend to keep him at bay. After running and jumping for a while, find a platform with Ice Blocks, a brick to the left of it, and a brick over it. The brick overhead has a Fire Flower, while the
brick to the left has a P Switch. After activating it, run right over the newly formed bridge of bricks. Running fast will make Boss Bass unable to catch you. At the end, jump on a brick platform over the Rotary Lift and the column of coins into the pipe. To the far right of the pipe is a 1-Up Mushroom. Unless you’re crazy and want a 1-Up for the sacrifice of your own life and have fireballs to take out Boss Bass before going there, don’t try it. Just end the level.

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World 3 Fortress #1

*1/2-Fire Flower-must be played

This level is a big maze. Simply go in the sixth door for Boom Boom, the fifth for a 1-Up, the ninth and final for a coin room, and supposedly if you go in the third and hit Up twice really fast you’ll meet Boom Boom. Anyway, it’s not that hard except for avoiding Boo Diddly. Boom Boom flies after getting stomped once here, so finish him off fast.

World 3-4

**1/2-Fire Flower-it’s here or 3-5, play here for 1-Up opportunity

This level contains another chance at unlimited 1-Ups. After a slow start, go to the large ramp of grass with Goombas on it. Slide down it and press A at the last second to jump over the water hole. If you miss, make invisible blocks appear to get over. Afterward, go past the Para-Goombas and Venus Fire Trap to a row of six bricks. Hit them for five coins and a 1-Up Mushroom. As Lakitu appears, go back left and kick a Troopa in between the two blocks underneath the two bricks and overhead pipe. If all goes well, Lakitu should toss Spiny Eggs in for points and 1-Ups. If all doesn’t go well, you may lose a life here, especially if Lakitu’s Eggs keep hitting you. After getting the extra lives you want, or wanting to just finish the level, run right and hop over the little holes, sliding to the finish line!

World 3-5

*1/2-Frog Suit-it’s here or 3-4, only play if you have a Frog Suit

One of only two boards in which I recommend a Frog Suit in Water Land, 3-5 has a pipe midway through that can only be entered using a Frog Suit. Keep in mind that, with a Frog Suit, using the A Button makes you swim faster, and that swimming is a ton easier with it on. If you can fly, run and fly at the beginning to a ten-coin block on the next platform. You’ll skip a substantial amount of the board this way, too. If you swim down at the beginning, watch out for Big Bertha while hitting the ? Blocks for coins and a Fire Flower, if you want it. A little bit later, swim down across a row of coins near the very bottom of the screen. The next pipe has a current. With a Frog Suit, you can enter it. If you enter it, hold the right button as you do, so that you land on the platform with the giant ? Block, which holds three 1-Up Mushrooms. After collecting them, jump
for the remaining coins to the left and exit through the bottom pipe. From there, swim a little left under an upside-down pipe with a current flowing from it. Swim up against the current for an invisible 1-Up Mushroom. After avoiding the Jelectros, it’s only a short swim to the finish line. There’s also a strange platform over water at the end, after exiting the pipe. I have no idea why it’s there, probably just to fill up space.

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