Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine

Class mods are items that greatly enhance the specific abilities of your character while offering some cool aesthetic customization. Class mods are pointed toward particular purposes—one might enhance one type of weapon while also boosting certain skills related to that weapon, as well, while. Alright, Earlier this morning I was in a friends lobby duplicated a couple items for him when some guy joins, the guy imediatly heads towards the slot machines and hes winning Orange weapons (Three borderlands symbols) every single time.

  1. Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machines
  2. Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic
  3. Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine Machines
  4. Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine Slot
  5. Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine Schematics

Borderlands 2 Legendary Item Farming Guide/List.

Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machines

So, I’ve been playing A LOT of Borderlands 2 lately. Don’t believe me? Here’s a screenshot taken a few days ago.

It’s definitely gone up since then. Anyway, I’ve beat the game twice and am currently on True Vault Hunter Mode 2.0. I’ve been doing nothing but farming Legendary Items, after all, what else is there to do after conquering the game a few times (Yes, I’ve already destroyed Terramorphous the Invincible)? So my goal is to pimp out my main character (Axton/Commando, level 50, all slots equipped with level 50 purple/orange/pink items) with Legendar Items. Here is a guide… well, more of a list (in farming order) of the mobs that drop Legendary Items, including the map they’re located on.

Please note that this little guide/list works best if you’re level 50 and have done ALL QUESTS in True Vault Hunter Mode (A lot of these mobs and bosses only spawn/respawn when their quests are completed) AND make sure you have the Vault Hunter’s Relic equipped, so you’ve got a better rate for rare/legendary drops. Remember, all mobs respawn when you zone out and re-zone in.

Borderlands 2 Level 50 Legendary Item Farming Guide:

  1. Knuckle Dragger – Windshear Wastes
  2. Boom and Bewm – Southern Shelf
  3. Midge Mong – Southern Shelf Bay
  4. Boom and Bewm – Southern Shelf
  5. Captain Flynt – Southern Shelf
  6. Savage Lee – Three Horns Divide
  7. Boll – Three Horns Divide
  8. Incinerator Clayton – Frostburn Canyon
  9. The Black Queen – The Dust
  10. Mobley – The Dust
  11. McNally – The Dust
  12. Jumbo and Tector Hodunk/Mick Zaford – The Dust (Depending who you side with during the quest)
  13. Mad Dog – Lynchwood
  14. Sheriff of Lynchwood – Lynchwood
  15. Assassom Wot – Southpaw Steam and Power
  16. Assassin Oney – Southpaw Steam and Power
  17. Assassin Reeth – Southpaw Steam and Power
  18. Assassin Rouf – Southpaw Steam and Power
  19. Donkey Mong – Eridium Blight
  20. King Mong – Eridium Blight
  21. Demong – Eridium Blight
  22. Bone Head 2.0 – Arid Nexus – Boneyard
  23. Saturn – Arid Nexus – Badlands
  24. Laney White – The Fridge
  25. Tumbaa – Wild Life Exploitation Preserve
  26. Terramorphous the Invincible (Best done with full level 50 four-player party)

Random Mobs that drop Legendary Items on all Maps:

  • Loot Midget Marauders (Found inside Loot Containers throughout Pandora)
  • Chubby Midget (Random spawn throughout Pandora)

As stated, I’ve listed them in the order I farm them in. I hope this helps you all.

If any of you’ve got any questions, feel free to comment this post and ask, I’ll try to reply in a timely manner.

Logging Off,

Class mods are items that greatly enhance the specific abilities of your character while offering some cool aesthetic customization. Class mods are pointed toward particular purposes—one might enhance one type of weapon while also boosting certain skills related to that weapon, as well, while another class mod might be focused on increasing maximum health or shields. Class mods frequently come with bonuses to certain skills granted by the class mod—essentially, class mods can add more points into skills as long as you’ve spent one hard-earned skill point to unlock a skill in the first place. (Equip a class mod that boosts a skill you haven’t purchased, and you’ll gain no bonus.) You can ultimately invest five skill points into a particular skill to cap it, then (if you’re lucky) snag a class mod that grants five or more extra points into the skill, doubling the effect, or even more!

It is said that there are rare orange rarity class mods out there, waiting to be found by Vault Hunters who can bring down the very toughest monsters Pandoran adventurers have seen to date…

Commando Mods

Mod NameIconManufacturerCharacteristicsPossible Skill Boost
EngineerDahlAction skill cooldown rate +
  • Battlefront (Front Line)
  • Resourcefull (Efficiency)
  • Sentry (Sentry)
GrenadierTorgueGrenade damage +.
  • Steady (Expert)
  • Impact (Impactful)
  • Grenadier (Master)
Explosive damage resist +.
GunnerVladofTeam fire rate +.
  • Overload (Support)
  • Steady (Auto)
  • Metal Storm (Heavy)
PointmanPangolinHealth regeneration.
  • Pressure (Juiced)
  • Grit (Unstoppable)
  • Last Ditch Effort (Grisly)
Max health +.
RiflemanDahlAssault rifle magazine size +.
  • Impact (Impact)
  • Onslaught (Assault)
  • Battlefront (Front Line)
Assault rifle gun damage +.
Shock TrooperMaliwanShock damage resist +.
  • Quick Charge (Security)
  • Onslaught (Assault)
  • Metal Storm (Heavy)
Electrocute damage +.
SpecialistHyperionSMG accuracy +.
  • Duty Calls (Miltary)
  • Ready (Warfare)
  • Forbearance (Hazard)
TacticianAnshinTeam shield recharge rate +.
  • Battlefront (Front Line)
  • Resourceful (Efficient)
  • Preparation (Determined)
Team shield recharge delay -
VeteranDahlReload speed +.
  • Steady (Expert)
  • Pressure (Resolute)
  • Last Ditch Effort (Die Hard)
Magazine size +.

Siren Mods

Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic

Mod NameIconManufacturerCharacteristicsPossible Skill Boost
BansheeBanditShield recharge rate +
  • Immolate (Unyielding)
  • Fleet (Breakneck)
  • Backdraft (Scorched)
Shield recharge delay -
BinderMaliwanTeam cooldown rate +.
  • Reaper (Cunning)
  • Helios (Hell)
  • Suspension (Chrono)
CatHyperionSMG gun damage +.
  • Mind's Eye (Killer)
  • Wreck (Scheming)
  • Accelerate (Wild)
SMG accuracy -.
FoxMaliwanBurn chance +.
  • Blight Phoenix (Plague)
  • Helios (Hell)
  • Reaper (Cunning)
Burn damage +.
MatriarchPangolinMax health.
  • Life Tap (Leeching)
  • Sustenance (Relentless)
  • Elated (Angelic)
Magazine size +.
NurseAnshinTeam health regeneration +.
  • Restoration (Merciful)
  • Elated (Angelic)
  • Sweet Release (Heavenly)
TricksterVladofFire rate +.
  • Life Tap (Thieving)
  • Kinetic Reflection (Mirrored)
  • Chain Reaction (Blurring)
WarderAnshinShield capacity +.
  • Wreck (Scheming)
  • Ward (Guarded)
  • Recompense (Rebounding)
WitchMaliwanCorrode chance +.
  • Helios (Hell)
  • Flicker (Splatter)
  • Kinetic Reflection (Bullet)
Corrode damage +.

Gunzerker Mods

Mod NameIconManufacturerCharacteristicsPossible Skill Boost
BeastTorgueMax health +
  • Just Got Real (Savage)
  • Incite (Vengeful)
  • Sexual Tyrannosaurus (Altered)
Reload speed +.
BerserkerTorgueCooldown rate +.
  • Lay Waste (Unhinged)
  • Last Longer (Two Gun)
  • Yippee Ki Yay (Unstoppable)
War DogDahlReload Speed +.
  • 5 Shots, or 6 (Lucky)
  • Out of Bubblegum (Determined)
  • Filled to the Brim (Hoarding)
Magazine size +.
DevastatorBanditTeam magazine size +.
  • Filled to the Brim (Hoarding)
  • Just Got Real (Savage)
  • Divergent Likeness (Pragmatic)
RaiderBanditAssault rifle accuracy +.
  • Locked and Loaded (Cocky)
  • Money Shot (Auspicious)
  • Incite (Vengeful)
Shield capacity -.
RenegadeJakobsPistol gun damage +.
  • I'm Your Huckleberry (Suave)
  • Incite (Vengeful)
  • All I Need is One (Cocky)
Pistol accuracy +.
TankPangolinShield capacity +.
  • I'm the Juggernaut (Armored)
  • Diehard (Hulking)
  • Asbestos (Resistance)
Shield recharge rate +.
TitanAnshinHealth regeneration.
  • Diehard (Hulking)
  • Out of Bubblegum (Grand)
  • I'm the Juggernaut (Armored)
Gun damage +.
HoarderVladofTeam bullet regeneration.
  • Lay Waste (Unhinged)
  • 5 Shots, or 6 (Lucky)
  • Filled to the Brim (Loaded)

Assassin Mods

Mod NameIconManufacturerCharacteristicsPossible Skill Boost
InfiltratorDahlFire rate +
  • Be Like Water (Graceful) 2
  • Unforeseen (Tricky) 3
  • Iron Hand (Rugged) 1
Melee damage +.
KillerHyperionTeam critical damage +.
  • Fearless (Unpredictable) 2
  • Killer (The) 2
  • Ambush (Contemptible) 2
NinjaMaliwanMelee damage +.
  • Backstab (Shadow) 3
  • Resurgence (Bloodied) 4
  • Killing Blow (Lethal) 1
ProfessionalDahlReload speed +.
  • Two Fang (Unequaled) 5
  • Killer (The) 2
  • Ambush (Succinct) 2
Shield capacity +.
ShotHyperionTeam accuracy +.
  • Optics (Long) 1
  • Precision (Sure) 2
  • Kill Confirmed (True) 4
SniperJakobsSniper rifle gun damage +.
  • Precision (Tranquil) 2
  • One Shot One Kill (One Shot) 3
  • Headshot (Deadly) 1
Sniper rifle critical damage +.
SpyMaliwanCooldown rate +.
  • Velocity (Swift) 3
  • Ambush (Contemptible) 2
  • Unforeseen (Tricky) 3
StalkerVladofPistol fire rate +.
  • Rising Shot (Disturbed) 3
  • Followthrough (Shadow) 3
  • Counter Strike (Razored) 1
Pistol magazine size +.
SurvivorBanditMax health +.
  • Ambush (Contemptible) 2
  • Rising Shot (Disturbed) 3
  • Resurgence (Bloodied) 4
Health regeneration.

Mechromancer Mods

Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine

Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine Machines

Work In Progress

Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine Slot

Mod NameIconManufacturerCharacteristicsPossible Skill Boost
Anarchist[[File:]]VladofGun Damage +.
  • Airborne (Death From Above)
  • Calculating (Fancy Mathematics)
  • Swift (Annoyed Android)
Weapon Accuracy -.
Catalyst[[File:]]MaliwanTeam Elemental Effect Dmg +.
  • Evil (Evil Enchantress)
  • Ionized (Shock Storm)
  • Wired (Wires Don't Talk)
Jill of All Trades[[File:]]TedioreAssault Rifle Gun Damage +.
  • Improved (The Better Half)
  • Peppy (More Pep)
  • Speedy (Smaller Lighter Faster)
Assault Rifle Magazine Size +.
Prodigy[[File:]]DahlWeapon Accuracy +.
  • Peppy (More Pep)
  • Superior (The Better Half)
  • Patient (Cooking Up Trouble)
Reload Speed +.
Punk[[File:]]BanditFire Rate +.
  • Speedy (Smaller Lighter Faster)
  • Superior (The Better Half)
  • Paranoid (Annoyed Android)
Magazine Size -
Roboteer[[File:]]HyperionCooldown Rate +.
  • Stern (Made of Sterner Stuff)
  • Tenacious (Strength of 5 Gorillas)
  • Potent (Potent as a Pony)
Melee Damage +.
Sweetheart[[File:]]AnshinTeam Max Health +.
  • Patient (Cooking Up Trouble)
  • Peppy (More Pep)
  • Superior (The Better Half)
Technophile[[File:]]PangolinShield Capacity +.
  • Manic (Interspersed Outburst)
  • Calculating (Fancy Mathematics)
  • Tenacious (Strength of 5 Gorillas)
Shield Recharge Rate +.
Zapper[[File:]]MaliwanElectrocute Damage +.
  • Scorching (Electrical Burn)
  • Wired (Wires Don't Talk)
  • Peppy (More Pep)
Chance to Shock +.

Borderlands 2 Afterburner Relic Slot Machine Schematics

Slayer Of Terramorphous

The end game boss Terramorphous drops an orange class mod for each class, granting the title 'Slayer Of Terramorphous'. All classes gain extra health, bonus burn damage and burn chance as well as four points in five skills. The skills receiving points stay the same but the values of bonus health and burn bonuses vary with the RNG.

Legendary Class

Legendary class mods are dropped by Vermivorous the invincible; a final transformation of Varkid enemy. Players would need to have a varkid spawn to metamorph through several stages for it to change into Vermivorous. Once killed, Vermivorous would drop the class mod with each class types receive their own specific mods bearing their class name; Legendary Soldier, Legendary Assassin, etc. The mods convers +5 to 6 different skills.

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